KCMS/HS Attendance and Tardiness letter

Nov 17, 2021 | KCFS News

Dear Parents and Students,

It has come to the attention of the Kennedy Catholic Administration that Attendance and Tardiness is an issue for many of our students.  Regular and punctual school attendance is expected of every student at Kennedy Catholic Middle School and High School. It is also a desirable character habit to instill in children and young adults. A healthy attendance record, free from illegal absences and tardiness, exemplifies for the student that his or her family recognizes the importance of education, of abiding by school regulations, of being dependable, and of mature responsibility. Beyond our own policy and the Diocesan policy, school attendance is required by the State of Pennsylvania.  There are potential legal penalties for students and parents if compulsory attendance laws are not followed.

Parents of students with six or more absences (not counting absences due to required quarantines) or tardies will be contacted by the school to address these instances.  Moving forward, the school and Diocesan policy for tardiness and attendance tracking will be followed.

As a reminder, students are to arrive at school no earlier than 7:30 a.m.  At 7:45 a.m., students are dismissed from the cafeteria to their homerooms.  All students must be in their homerooms by 7:55 a.m.  Any student arriving at or after 7:55 a.m. must report to the Main Office for a pass to homeroom or current period class.  When a student will be absent from school, a parent or guardian must call the Main Office between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.  Absences and tardies are considered unexcused until a written excuse from the parent/guardian or a doctor’s excuse is provided to the Main Office, no more than three days from the date of return.

For a full explanation of the school attendance and tardiness policy, please see pages eight through eleven in the Student and Parent Handbook accessible on the school website (www.kennedycatholicschools.org).


KCFS Administrative Team