Tuition and Financial Aid Meeting Follow-Up Information

Feb 16, 2024 | KCFS News

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the EITC Zoom Event to learn about how we can all come together to keep the rising cost of education from impacting the students and families at KCFS. For those that did not join, a recording and other information is provided below. Please find the EITC pledge forms HERE, tuition information HERE and the 2024-2025 SCVSS financial aid form HERE. The link to access the Diocesan STAR foundation form is HERE.

To recap all that RedefinED talked about, we are kindly asking each family to do their best to either apply for financial aid or participate in the EITC program, but we encourage you to do both. These funds can make a great deal of difference in funding the gap that exists between tuition and our school’s true cost to educate.  We fully recognize the significance the EITC Program can have on the future of our school, and we appreciate your interest and commitment to our educational community.

Kennedy Catholic Recording.mp4 ( RedefinED recorded presentation)

What is the EITC program & Why should you care? – YouTube (a great newly published podcast that explains in greater detail the benefits of this tax credit for small business owners)

Should you have any questions or require additional information about EITC, our dedicated partner, Redefined, is readily available to help make your participation easy. You can reach out to them via email at or by contacting their office at 814-419-5505.

Your involvement and support are instrumental in the success of our school, and we value your continued partnership.

Thank you once again for your commitment to our school and its future. We eagerly await the possibilities of the EITC program, and what everyone’s participation will bring to the students and our families at KCFS.

If you have any questions about financial aid or would like to schedule an in-person meeting to receive help completing your financial aid, please call the finance office at 724-346-5531.